highly quality consultancy services


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Project Management

Our project management team specialize in planning, coordinating, and executing projects according to specific requirements and constraints. They perform some or all of the activities related to project work, from conceptualization to completion. Emphasis is placed on creating and maintaining project milestones and the project schedule. The end goal is to complete the project on time and within budget.
Our project management team help organizations achieve project goals and objectives within scope, time, and budgetary constraints. They can also help optimize the allocation of resources and integrate the inputs that will drive the completion of the project’s objectives using the latest methods and technologies. The development of a project plan is critical, as this document defines and confirms broader goals and specific objectives. The project plan also identifies tasks, describes how goals will be achieved, and quantifies the resources that are needed.
Our project management team can help define the overall project budget and specific timelines for task completion. While managing the plan, project management team will operate within a recognized framework that ensures accurate and objective reporting.

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How can we help with technology?
When a organization makes the decision to change to a new infrastructure or develop a new project, the last point of integration or migration tends to be the most difficult and frustrating for them. The best resolution may not easily sit with any one vendor, integrator or supplier, but may also cause workflow inefficiencies and hinder business transformation. This is where we can help!
Our pool of technology integration knowledge and various domain expertise is unique to any industry.
Expert development technology knowledge!
We deliver integrations to end-users, in house development teams, system integrators and technology infrastructure partners. Not only do we develop our own products – used by various organizations – we use the expertise and intellectual property behind these products alongside our modular components to enable our technology integration services. This means we can deliver solutions faster and more predictably than would otherwise be possible.
We maintain a library of our own hardware and software tools, plus test key multi-vendor integrations in our lab to mitigate project risk. Our close relationships with manufacturers and research institutes means we always have the latest available technology. Plus, importantly, we have a library of old and new patents not available on the market.
How we approach a new integration task
First, we research and scope a proposed integration project. We then create a statement of work (SOW) that defines the deliverables, the workflow, the price and the schedule. If all variables and deliverables within the SOW are within our control, then our prices are fixed. It’s also best to involve us early in the project planning cycle so we can identify and mitigate project risk and also help scope and budget key integrations.

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Project proposals require more than just outstanding research ideas. Success depends on appropriate planning, presentation, and a work plan including resource allocation, all in a highly competitive environment and potentially under intense time pressure. Moreover, fund have different administrative requirements and scientific scopes. Our team has learned to navigate this environment and is happy to support you as a strategic partner with the relevant experience.
We frequently support researchers in the application for national funds with our range of services:
 Identifying the appropriate call
 Proposal development and review
 Scientific writing
 Development of impact and dissemination sections
 Ethical sections
 Budgetary planning
 Communication, dissemination, graphic design
Researchers can choose the level of involvement of our staff, from a simple “proposal check” to a comprehensive service “from idea to solution” with tailored support selected from our service portfolio.
Proposal check
The proposal check is a full review of the final draft of your proposal. During the proposal preparation phase, you are invited to an initial briefing with our project team. He critically assesses and discusses the key aspects of the research idea and the chosen work plan before you start developing your proposal individually. Of course we will be available throughout the  entire process to advise you on specific questions you might have.
Once you have finalized your draft our team will personally review your proposal and will provide you with a version including detailed comments, revisions and suggestions. All comments will be discussed either in person or by phone to ensure all detected limitations can be appropriately addressed in the final version.
This specific service is tailored to the experienced researcher, who appreciates an outside view on the research plan and recognizes the importance of policy and other non-scientific  aspects of highly competitive funding schemes. It is important to highlight that scientific excellence remains the overriding criterion for most research grants, however, given the increasing competition, additional aspects of a proposal have become increasingly important for decision making by evaluators. We believe our proposal check can provide an excellent research proposal with the finishing touches to improve the chances of success.
From idea to proposal
The comprehensive service will be tailored to your needs and the complexity of the funding scheme. Before entering the application phase, we will develop an appropriate time and resource plan tailored to your budgetary situation and your specific requirements.
Please contact us for a free initial discussion about your research project!
The more complex proposals for large cooperative research projects require significant attention to policy aspects, exploitation strategies and potential impact. Over the years we have assembled not only the relevant templates to cover the more generic sections with a minimal effort, in addition, we are also experienced in developing, together with you, individual impact sections and work plans to ensure that all sections of the proposal optimally fullfil the expectations of evaluators.

Please contact us for a free initial discussion about your research project!

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BLACK BUSINESS SOLUTIONS specializes in providing finance to medium and large projects in the technology, services, and infrastructure sectors worldwide including for existing asset acquisitions. We can also offer blended financing solutions for your projects including national and EU funding schemes with private loans.
Intuition and insight can be in short supply and we pride ourselves in our ability to leverage global insight across finance discipline. All our people are driven by intensity, integrity and intellectual curiosity. We work closely on every transaction to share knowledge, experience and engage a global network of relationships.